Case Studies

Individual Case Study Results

Abstract: Tailored Developmental Therapies takes a neuro-plasticity approach to support clients with various learning, behaviour and sensory challenges.  This case study is part of a series taken from clients’ program results; from varied demographics from 2016 – Current.

The Individualised Programs are grounded in an understanding that the brain is plastic and can change and grow based on external and internal input it receives via the sensory system (Doidge).  Research has demonstrated that visual and auditory senses are central to processing this information and that programs involving auditory stimulation are highly effective in creating more robust neural pathways. (Thaut et al. 2009, Thomspon et al. 2009, Gee et al. 2015, Naatanen et al. 2002, Dale, 2010, Bellis 2002).   Retained Primitive Reflexes have also been shown to significantly impact behaviour, learning, speech, coordination, and general well-being (Dimitrios & Zafeririou, 2004; Konicarova & Bob, 2012; Konicarova, Bob & Raboch 2013; McPhillips, Hepper & Mulhern 2000).

The holistic therapy programs used by Tailored Developmental Therapies integrate Retained Primitive Reflexes through the stimulation of neural pathways. They stimulate the brain in the Brain Stem, the Cerebellum, Temporal Lobes, through the Corpus Callosum/Basal Ganglia, Limbic System, to the Frontal Lobe. This series of case studies show improved visual and auditory processes, executive functions and whole-body integration. Our clients experienced positive changes in behaviour, learning abilities, sensory processing and general wellbeing. Changes and growth are seen across the client’s developmental and sensory profiles, including speech/language, gross/ fine motor and social and emotional development.

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